Our visiting Apache ceremonial leader, Morningstar, brings his tribe’s ancient medicine to Scotland. Morningstar is an initiated Sundancer.
He will be leading you into the magic of the Inípi Ceremony (sweat lodge ceremony). Morningstar will also be opening up healing through a Chanupa (medicine pipe) of the Apache, a pipe that is 200 years old.
For the first time ever, Morningstar will be teaching this certified course (Pasale Shamanic Certification) on how to support the healing of others through a unique Apache Ceremony that he has developed over the years. Awaken a new gift, transforming the suffering of others into brilliant light, for them and the planet.
Get ready for a unique training that involves hands-on-healing and deep work into what the subconscious needs for healing to take place. An extraordinary journey through your heart.
Morningstar is a fourth-generation curandero with a mix of Hispanic and Apache blood. He has worked tirelessly to keep his roots alive and well within the community. He is a Sundancer carrying on the tradition of his native blood. Morningstar has been given the right from his elders, as a holy man, to teach and pass on these ways of life.
Sylvy Lucero is a keeper of hundreds of ancient dances from Native American and Mexican culture. In particular, Sylvy will teach you how to catch the spark of ecstasy that these dances give. Pull in power from Great Spirit and flow that into the very heart of your new dreams.
Stephen Mulhearn is a soul brother of Morningstar and a Celtic Teacher of the heart. Stephen will weave a bridge between Celtic and Apache traditions that opens you up to the dual power of the Apache and Celtic way.
Your three teachers on this certified course will empower you with gifts that not only support you to heal your own past; you will also leave with a unique shamanic capacity to transfigure the places for your clients and groups, where they hurt.